Relictum Pro is the blockchain of the latest generation in the world.


What is Block

What is Blockchain?

It is a continuous sequential chain of blocks (a linked list) built according to certain rules; each next block has a hash of the previous block.
This is a global, large-scale distributed registry that works with a million computers and is accessible to everyone. Any values, from money to music, could be stored, moved, exchanged, and managed without powerful intermediaries (such as banks, corporations, up to the state itself). Information is distributed across the global registry. When people can trust each other everywhere and cooperate on equal terms. 

About Project Relictum Pro.

Relictum Pro is a scalable, hyper-modern blockchain, with a view to the far future. This is a platform that can be used both with thin clients and with more powerful processors, basic stations, as well as with the latest electronic and computer technologies, including quantum computers.
A blockchain is a chain of blocks, and Relictum Pro is a system of event formalization having dynamic blocks in addition to the chains of blocks themselves. This greatly expands the possibilities and brings to another level of the mathematical apparatus, and allows you to create not only one-dimensional models of chains, but two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and even four-dimensional models of event formalization. Relictum Pro is a full-fledged blockchain platform capable of operating in both private and public access for government, commercial and private activities.

About Relictum Pro consensus (blockchain 5.0)

Relictum Pro is a blockchain of the latest generation, Blockchain 5.0, which has all the necessary fundamental and sufficient condition to ensure the work of the fourth generation of blockchain
● Cryptography
● We have our own encryption algorithm
● Network
● We have our own node interaction (between themselves) principle
● Smart-contracts
● We have our own laboratory for all smart contracts.

How does it work?

 Network nodes are completely identical and represent a binary file with the possibility to upload and manage a registry.

When you first start the node, it automatically determines which type it belongs to:

●  Master node

All blocks are stored

● Sleep node 

mode of attempting to connect to the network. Occurs either when the network is broken, or during the first launch

● Light node

blocks are stored only for a certain period of time

● Private node

only blocks of own transactions of this node are stored

● Sky node 

Сreated automatically when a user registers via a web page. Further work is also carried out through the web page.

● Relictum Pro is idea

Relictum Pro is a blockchain of the latest generation, Blockchain 5.0, which has all the necessary fundamental and sufficient condition to ensure the work of the fourth generation of blockchain

● Relictum Pro is a blockchain

Relictum Pro is a blockchain of the latest generation, Blockchain 5.0, which has all the necessary fundamental and sufficient conditions to ensure the work of the fourth generation of blockchain

● Relictum Pro is a stable сoin (RLC)

Relict Coin is the coin that is not subject to external economic and political influences, it is based on the complex mathematical algorithm that excludes coin inflation


With the development of blockchain technology and blockchain-based applications, new problems are emerging. For example, the inability to scale when applying this technology in large-scale projects, the lack of support for different business scenarios and the inability to exchange information and assets between different blockchains. This hinders both the technology itself and the development of the ecosystem as a whole.
At the moment, the really working blockchain is Bitcoin, the rest are based on Bitcoin – the so-called forks. 
 A blockchain is only a part of the cryptocurrency in these systems; it serves only its own cryptocurrency. The main problem in the global community of blockchain system developers is the creation of a universal platform that can serve not only a single cryptocurrency, but also record logistic events, copyright tracking, arbitrating, storing data in a decentralized repository, as well as self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any area of human activity. At the moment, the community is not yet able to provide such a universal platform. This is due to the fact that inertia of thinking does not allow one to go beyond the established stereotypes and opinions.


 In order to solve existing problems, we propose several changes in the architecture of the blockchain, affecting communication protocols, network infrastructure, inter-network agreements, consensus algorithms, and so on. Relictum Pro platform does not depend on the communication method, it is just a node, and how the message is delivered does not matter; At the moment, _HyperNet’s own communications technology is being used; it works over or on top of the Internet; The following networking method in the future can be used based on Bluetooth, WiFi, satellite communications, i.e., channel switching based on Bluetooth and/or WiFi and other promising protocols

The following features of the Relictum platform appear:

● Smart contract independently monitors whether all conditions of a contract were fully fulfilled;
● Possibility to conduct operations with different types of smart contracts, the possibility to generate new smart contracts with new type-properties or  property-types; 
● Already today, in the Relictum Pro platform, a smart contract can be signed simultaneously between 10 counterparties.

Distinctive features and advantages

The number of possible embedded smart contracts is not limited in number and in time.
Cryptocurrency is one chain of smart contracts; tokens are the second chain of smart contracts; the third chain of smart contracts is operations in cryptoexchanges.
New properties emerge in the operation of all smart contracts in Relictum Pro developed by smart contracts:
● The possibility of the intersection of smart contracts, thus describing a more complete type-properties of the goods;
● A blockchain remembers everything is an opportunity to get a virtual portrait of a person and, if desired, a participant can make a full sample on various aspects of their life activity

The disadvantage of P2P:

Today, it does not allow to work with a large number of nodes. Having a large number of nodes, the P2P network starts working with segments. Until one segment closes, the second does not unfold. Segmentation constantly occurs and from different sides, the segments start overlapping, the transaction confirmation time by all nodes increases, this affects the speed of distribution and the time of data transfer.


Relictum Pro is a new-generation blockchain network in which you can conduct transactions with any electronic or digital currency, digital assets, cryptocurrencies, and fiat currencies, the cost of which is the lowest in the world – 0 %.  

Genesis GTN tokens. Purpose.

● Emission volume and distribution procedure.
Genesis tokens are tokens expressing the intellectual property (IP) rights of the Relictum Pro software code, issued in the amount of 10 000 000 000 GTN. Genesis Token is distributed in the course of the corresponding ICO or IEO rounds among early investors who believed in the mathematically sound concept of Relictum Pro.

Distribution of GTN token genesis, incl.: Total: 100%

● 50%: Early investors
● 38%: Team
● 3%: Marketing expences
● 9%: Advisors and experts

RLC Distribution model of the commissioning forging of the RLC stable-coin:

● 50%: Rewards to General-nodes (further distribution by coefficients)
● 31%: Tsar-node reward 
● 19%: Royalty for the use of IP Relictum Pro. Holders of the genesis of GTN tokens



● Website
ETH: 0x7A5df2D8D32b8f8e4FC6BF71D2BDfe69992D1C1B


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