

About SwapHub

All stakers do not need to do anything and will continue to receive liquidity to receive HUB token rewards in a clear and clear way. SwapHub uses a smart contract protocol where all SwapHub holders use the same Uniswap interface, so if your current protocol is compatible with Uniswap, you can integrate everyone more easily and reliably in this way, making it relatively easy to integrate with SwapHub performance. By integrating the two services in a natural way on SwapHub, anyone can get started with SwapHub integration using multiple DeFi and other ecosystem tools. The SwapHub team will be rewarded with 5% so this team will be Sushiswap and another SwapHub. It is neutral, and users of the SwapHub community have more control over the reserves of the SwapHub ecosystem. The initial mining reward period is the first 200,000 blocks, for a total of about 5 weeks. During this period, 2x rewards are distributed per block. Join SwapHub mining. Since s stops at block 12,825,888, HUB tokens are not a problem as it gives everyone a chance to gain leverage during the bonus period with the total amount of HUB tokens and win in the near future. The HUB issued per bet will be 220,000,000 HUB in about a year. Whether or not to issue additional tokens afterwards is determined by the governance of the community. Everyone has the right to vote, no matter how much SwapHub will switch

All stakers do not need to do anything and will continue to receive liquidity to receive HUB token rewards in a clear and clear way. SwapHub uses a smart contract protocol where all SwapHub holders use the same Uniswap interface, so if your current protocol is compatible with Uniswap, you can integrate everyone more easily and reliably in this way, making it relatively easy to integrate with SwapHub performance. By integrating the two services in a natural way on SwapHub, anyone can get started with SwapHub integration using multiple DeFi and other ecosystem tools. The SwapHub team will be rewarded with 5% so this team will be Sushiswap and another SwapHub. It is neutral, and users of the SwapHub community have more control over the reserves of the SwapHub ecosystem. The initial mining reward period is the first 200,000 blocks, for a total of about 5 weeks. During this period, 2x rewards are distributed per block. Join SwapHub mining. Since s stops at block 12,825,888, HUB tokens are not a problem as it gives everyone a chance to gain leverage during the bonus period with the total amount of HUB tokens and win in the near future. The HUB issued per bet will be 220,000,000 HUB in about a year. Whether or not to issue additional tokens afterwards is determined by the governance of the community. Everyone has the right to vote, no matter how much SwapHub will switch

SwapHub plans to move on to the next milestone in the next six months.

Stage 1: Build SwapHub’s own staking ecosystem based on Uniswap’s protocol.

Stage 2: Deploy protocols other than Uniswap.

Stage 3: Form SwapHub’s funding pool and exchange LP such as Uniswap LP.

Stage 4: Realize next-generation DEX ecosystem.

Stage 5: Provide DeFi ecosystem, digital asset lending, etc.

The first available pools are as follows:

● CeFi Stable Coins: USDT-ETH, USDC-ETH

● DeFi Stable Coin: DAI-ETH, SUSHI-ETH, sUSD-ETH

● Delicacy (2× reward): HUB-ETH

Once SwapHub is up and running, the community can vote to add pools and change HUB weight of any pool. These will be decided by you.

Rewards Distribution

At Uniswap today, 0.3% of all trading fees in the pool are prorated to the liquidity provider in the pool. On SwapHub, 0.25% goes directly send to liquidity providers, while the remaining 0.05% is converted to HUB through SwapHub and distributed to HUB token holders.

How to participate

You can use the https://swaphub.finance/ interface to stake LP tokens into the MasterChef contract to join.

Credit: Lots of UI code borrowed from Yam.

Distribution of HUB will start from block 10,825,888. If you want to get as many HUBs as possible be sure to stake LP tokens.

To get clearer information, please visit the link below:

Bitcointalk Username: jamaah45
Telegram Username: @jamaah
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2502762
Wallet address (eth): 0x7A5df2D8D32b8f8e4FC6BF71D2BDfe69992D1C1B


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